UDS Enterprise in 2020: Main milestones of our VDI software

by | Jan 7, 2021

In our first post of 2021, we look back to the year that has just finished. A convulsive and atypical year in which technology was at the service of people and organizations to help them overcome the obstacles imposed by the health crisis. A key tool that served to ensure the continuity of businesses and educational organizations around the world was UDS Enterprise, our connection broker for virtualization of desktops, applications and remote access to physical and virtual machines.

Here’s a recap of the main milestones of UDS Enterprise during 2020:

  • New versions and editions of our software

    • UDS Enterprise 3.0. Our annual release has been closely linked to the current needs reported by our community, with new functionalities such as Meta Pools, improvements to manage remote access to devices, support for Proxmox, Hyper-V in cluster and the most recent versions of the main virtualization platforms.

    • UDS DaaS Edition. 2020 has been a major boost for our edition designed to provide virtual desktops as a service. Both the number of ISPs that are offering this option and the number of customers who enjoy its advantages have increased significantly.

    • UDS Competitive Upgrade . We created this edition to help all organizations that need to migrate to a more cost-effective and efficient VDI technology.

    • UDS Trusted Support. We launched an even cheaper alternative for projects with up to 100 users. Together with our free version for 10 users, it solves the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

  • Social commitment during the pandemic

    • Special promotions for remote working and distance learning. Virtual Cable reacted quickly to provide its support to all the organizations that needed a technological solution to continue their activity in the face of the difficult situation we are experiencing and which has inevitably affected all sectors. We made our UDS Enterprise software available to administrations, public and private companies and institutions of all kinds to implement secure remote working and distance learning solutions in record time. We provided it for free and designed special campaigns for the most critical and price sensitive sectors.

    • Open Solidarity campaign. Together with our partner Lobo Brothers Technology, we joined this global initiative for digital cooperation through which we offered virtual desktops in the cloud with UDS Enterprise and OVHcloud at no cost and without obligation.

  • Greater presence worldwide

    • Following the line of previous years, and partly thanks to the important social work that we carried out during the past year, trust in our software has notably increased. In 2020 we managed to reach many more users from all corners of the world. Featuring public and private organizations, institutions, administrations, NGOs… our references exceed 3,500 contacts in more than 123 countries on five continents. In our Case Studies and on the remote working section on our website there are many examples of how our software has helped users from different sectors to solve their IT challenges.
  • Awards and recognitions

    • IDC Awards. Our application virtualization project with UDS Enterprise in the Jaén Provincial Council was a finalist in the IDC Research Spain Awards for the innovative company 2020 in the “Job Transformation” category.

    • @asLAN Awards. Two initiatives with UDS Enterprise reached the final of the prestigious XII @asLAN Awards for Projects in Public Administration: The application virtualization project in the Badajoz Provincial Council in the category of “Optimization and simplification of digital infrastructures”, and the Virtual Desktop for Special Education (EVITA) of the University of Murcia in the category of “Bridging the digital divide and sustainability”.

    • CIEGE Certification. For the second consecutive year, in 2020 we obtained the Certificate for Excellent Management (CIEGE) granted by Informa and elEconomista. Once again we were the only software development company to achieve this outstanding seal.

  • UDS Enterprise gains prominence in IT events and publications

    • X National Congress of Innovation and Public Services . Our Official Distributor DaaS Group revealed how our VDI and vApp connection broker can take eGovernment and digital public services to the next level.

    • XXVII ASLAN. Before this congress was canceled due to Covid-19, DaaS Group had time to explain to attendees how virtualization of desktops and applications with UDS Enterprise helps drive the digitization of organizations.

    • OpenExpo Europe. The RemotePC project with OpenGnsys and UDS Enterprise was shortlisted to be part of the program of presentations of the leading business event in technological innovation, digital transformation and Open Source in Europe.

    • El Economista. The leading newspaper of the economic press in Spain, and surpassed only by The Wall Street Journal at the international level, published a complete interview with the CEO of Virtual Cable, Félix Casado, explaining the advantages of using UDS Enterprise as a remote working solution.

    • RedIRIS – CoronaSesions TECNIRIS. The University of Málaga and the University of Murcia shared in these video sessions how during the lockdown period and thanks to UDS Enterprise they were able to implement remote working systems for their staff, remote access to computer labs with VDI and remote access to the computer devices located in the classrooms.

    • Study on Digital Transformation. To prepare this report, IESE Business School and Penteo had the collaboration of Félix Casado, Head Manager of Virtual Cable.

    • Webinar on hybrid classrooms by Metared . The University of Murcia presented in this online seminar all the details about its VDI infrastructure with UDS Enterprise, an essential pillar of its IT strategy to solve the challenges of blended education.

    • Librecon. Our Partner Lanmedia Comunicaciones presented our Case Study with Mondragon Unibertsitatea and related why our software has positioned itself as a basic technology to implement distance learning.

  • Training and personalized support for our partners

    • New Partner Program. In 2020 we set out to strengthen the relationship with our business partners. We redesigned our Partner Program betting on personalized training, launching new tools to help close opportunities and offering interesting benefits in line with the commitment of distributors. This new approach has been a success. We have closed the year expanding the list of companies that market our software worldwide, adding a total of 22 Gold Partners and 67 Silver Partners.
  • Consolidation of our technological alliances, new agreements and certifications

    • Initiatives with manufacturers. Throughout the year, different companies with which we have strategic technology alliance agreements have shown their interest in carrying out joint actions including our software. These conversations have materialized in online events that we have jointly organized with manufacturers such as Teradici, Nutanix and Microsoft. It is also worth highlighting the growing popularity that UDS Enterprise has among the XCP-ng community and that led Vates to propose the creation of a specific thread about our software on their technical forum.

    • Certifications. As every year, we have renewed the certifications that endorse the perfect integration of our software with the solutions of the main manufacturers in the sector. Among them, and in addition to those mentioned above, are important companies such as NodeWeaver, Red Hat, OpenNebula, OpenStack, oVirt or VMware.

    • Alliance with WatchGuard. This cybersecurity firm has integrated our software with its WatchGuard AuthPoint product with SAML 2.0 to offer customers greater security, easier deployments and better interoperability in their IT environments. Soon we will carry out collaborative actions as a result of the technological alliance that we have sealed.

Here ends the summary of a year that we concluded with the satisfaction of achieving important goals and supporting millions of users spread over the five continents. We have started 2021 with the aim of continuing to efficiently and tenaciously help everyone who needs to take advantage of the benefits of the latest technology in desktop virtualization, applications and remote access.

For further information on our UDS Enterprise VDI software, you can contact our team at [email protected]



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